We are a group of Behavioral Scientists on a mission to save the world (humans, actually).


Our Mission

Our mission is to put like-minded individuals together to provide meaningful opportunities to create, and maintain, sustainable human behaviors.

…and save the humans

“the climate calculus is such that individual lifestyle choices do not add up to much, unless they are scaled by politics. America’s rump climate party aside, that scaling should not be impossible, once we understand the stakes. In fact, the stakes mean, it must not be.”

— David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

What We've Achieved

We’re new to this, but we have big plans. As we grow, we will:

1)    Get more people involved in the fight against climate change

2)    Work with communities and government offices to identify ways that citizen behavior analysts can create change

3)    Identify research opportunities and ways that we can play a role in teaching and maintaining sustainable human behavior.

4)    Work with established sustainability groups to disseminate our science to other fields.

5) Present and disseminate research in the field of sustainability.